The Six Kinds of Hair Products That You Need

The Six Kinds of Hair Products That You Need

When I was thirteen and fourteen, I blow dried and straightened my hair every single day. By the time that I went in to get a haircut, my poor hair was fried. Before then, I didn’t really care about maintaining my hair, but I knew the basics. I knew to wash it every other day, always use conditioner, and to use a leave-in conditioner when it got to tangly. I knew to use hairspray to make it stay, and that was it.

Continue reading “The Six Kinds of Hair Products That You Need”

5 Easy ways to be healthy during college

5 Easy ways to be healthy during college

There are a million articles like this out there because the dreaded Freshman 15 is one of the scariest things in the world, to some people. I was terrified of the Freshman 15 before  I came to college, and was worried that no matter what I did, I would gain at least fifteen pounds in my first semester. I shouldn’t have been scared of that, because first of all, it doesn’t matter at all if I gained fifteen pounds, and second because I lost ten pounds during my first semester of college.  And here’s how I did it. Continue reading “5 Easy ways to be healthy during college”