How To Do An At Home Blowout

A lot of people don’t spend the extra time and money to get a blowout after getting their hair cut. I am not one of those people. When I  go to get my hair cut, I do it all. Sure, it costs more money, but one of my favorite things in the world is having blown-out hair. If there was a DryBar down the street from my house, I would be there every other day. I love a good blowout.

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The Six Kinds of Hair Products That You Need

The Six Kinds of Hair Products That You Need

When I was thirteen and fourteen, I blow dried and straightened my hair every single day. By the time that I went in to get a haircut, my poor hair was fried. Before then, I didn’t really care about maintaining my hair, but I knew the basics. I knew to wash it every other day, always use conditioner, and to use a leave-in conditioner when it got to tangly. I knew to use hairspray to make it stay, and that was it.

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Everything That You Need To Know Before Coloring Your Hair

Everything That You Need To Know Before Coloring Your Hair

I, like everyone else in the world, have always had a love-hate relationship with my hair. I’ve never really been happy with it, and I’ve always wanted to color it. However, my parents made a rule that I couldn’t dye my hair until I was both eighteen and able to pay for it myself. So, on July 20th, eight days after my eighteenth birthday, and twelve hours after I came back to the US, I booked an appointment to have my hair colored. Continue reading “Everything That You Need To Know Before Coloring Your Hair”

I Love Lipstick

I Love Lipstick

My mother never wears a lot of makeup, but she still never leaves the house without lipstick. I’ve watched her put on lipstick on our way to the gym, on the way to the grocery store, and on the way to the beach. My mother had never left the house without a coat of lipstick. More specifically, my mother has never left the house without at least one tube of MAC lipstick, and I’ve started to be the same way. Continue reading “I Love Lipstick”

4 Skincare Tips I Swear By

I started wearing makeup, or at least, being conscious of what it’s purpose was, when I was seven. My mother had placed me in dance classes and figure skating lessons, when I turned five, and I was a competitive figure skater at seven. I would spend saturday mornings lined up with fifteen other girls, waiting for the one mother that did makeup to line my eyes with some pencil I didn’t like, and to put some bright pink lipstick on me that just tasted weird. Like clockwork, every saturday night, when my, my sister, and my mother, had gotten home, my mother would scrub our faces clean with the some makeup wipes, and no matter how tired we were we wouldn’t be allowed to go to bed until every remnant of the day was gone. Continue reading “4 Skincare Tips I Swear By”